Michigan Occupational Therapy Association

Huron Valley Chapter

The Huron Valley Chapter of the Michigan Occupational Therapy Association provides clinicians with a local connection to the association at large. The chapter hosts local meetings to provide members with current topics relevant to the profession as well as disseminate information from the MiOTA governing structure.

Next in-person meeting

One (1) professional development unit (PDU) will be awarded to active MiOTA members in attendance. The certificate will be emailed to all attendees.

Guests are always welcome to see what MiOTA is about at the local level; however, after one free visit we request that you become a member in order to continue attending the chapter meetings. We hope that you like what you see and want to join. Membership forms will be available at the meeting.

Huron Valley Chapter Contact: Adrienna Bartnicki

Adrienna Bartnicki, OTRL, has worked in outpatient pediatric clinics and many schools across Southeast Michigan, including early intervention, preschool, elementary, middle and high school. She is looking forward to facilitating the pediatric fieldwork seminar class at Eastern Michigan University. Adrienna developed The Puzzle Players: Sensory Friendly Drama and Play, this program is a play-based social group designed and facilitated in partnership with a speech and language pathologist.The program began as a dream, turned into a drama and play lesson for students in center-based classrooms for autism, evolved into a summer camp and is continuing to be refined. Registration for the program is located here: http://www.pccsk12.com/departments/community-education

2023Huron Valley Chapter Meeting Summary 2/8/2023
2022Huron Valley Chapter Meeting Summary 11/9/2022
Huron Valley Chapter Meeting Summary 6/9/2022
Huron Valley Chapter Meeting Summary 2/3/2022
2021Huron Valley Chapter Meeting Summary 9/27/2021
Huron Valley Chapter Meeting Summary 6/15/2021
Huron Valley Chapter Meeting Summary 4/21/2021
2020Huron Valley Chapter Meeting Summary 12/8/2020
Huron Valley Chapter Meeting Summary 8/17/2020
Huron Valley Chapter Meeting Summary 5/4/2020
2018Huron Valley Chapter Meeting Summary 7/25/18
2017Huron Valley Chapter Meeting Summary 9/27/17