Michigan Occupational Therapy Association

Student Advocacy Toolkit

Student Advocacy Resources 

The following links are resources to increase student involvement in advocacy efforts for the occupational therapy profession. Use the links below to understand how a bill becomes a law, write a thank you letter to a legislator, or keep up with current topics in advocacy. 

How a Bill Becomes A Law at the National Level 

How a Bill Becomes A Law at the State Level 

Find your Senator

Use the link above to locate your senator based on your address. 

Find your Representative

Use the link above to locate your representative. 

Template for Writing Letters to Legislators 

Use the link above to write a thank you letter to your senator or representative. The power of a thank you letter can go a long way in advocating for the passage of bills related to occupational therapy services in the State of Michigan

AOTA Resources for Student Advocacy

Click this link to watch a video from AOTA on the importance of advocating. The future of our profession depends on continued advocacy at the state and national levels. 

AOTA Legislative Action Center 

Current Topics in Advocacy

Click the link from AOTA to stay up to date with current legislation in the occupational therapy profession at the national level. This page is kept up to date with the most current legislative issues that will affect the profession. 

Contact your Policymakers today!

Follow the link from AOTA to contact your policy makers. 

Updated by: Caitlin Cornish, OTD Student

March 2023