Michigan Occupational Therapy Association

Advertise with Us


The Newsletter is a quarterly publication. All composition must be camera-ready. No bleed ads are accepted. If more than one advertiser has requested special placement, space will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis. Each request is subject to review by MiOTA volunteer leadership prior to the posting of the event. If interested in advertising in the MiOTA newsletter, please complete the advertising contract.

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AnchorWebsite (Job, Event, or Product Advertisement)
Prior to posting of events, all text and images to be posted must be provided along with the completed advertising contract. Each request is subject to review by MiOTA volunteer leadership prior to posting the advertisement. All information posted must be relevant to the profession of occupational therapy. Please provide JPG version of logo and text in word format. One hyperlink is included. The ad will be posted within 2 business days upon receipt of payment.

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Research Study
For research studies, the student(s) and preceptor must both be MiOTA members for the member rate to apply. An advertising contract must be completed along with the submission of all text and images to be posted. All research studies must be IRB approved and the approval number must be included on the request. All research posted must be relevant to the profession of occupational therapy and is subject to review by MiOTA volunteer leadership prior to acceptance.  Research information may be sent by email blast, added to the newsletter, posted on the website, or included in one-time mailing labels.

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Email Blast
Prior to sending out email blasts, an advertising contract must be completed with a copy of all materials provided. Each request is subject to review by MiOTA volunteer leadership prior to sending the email blast. All materials being mailed must be relevant to the profession of occupational therapy and is subject to review by MiOTA volunteer leadership prior to acceptance. A one-time email blast will be sent to MiOTA members by the MiOTA office. 

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Conference Exhibitor
Please visit the MiOTA Fall Conference Exhibitors and Sponsors page for more information.

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AnchorCEU Course Approval
Currently, MiOTA does not offer a CEU/course approval process. It is a goal that MiOTA leadership plans to address in the future. There are no approval processes for Michigan besides AOTA providership. However, most courses will meet NBCOT renewal requirements regardless.

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