Michigan Occupational Therapy Association

Flint Chapter

The Flint Chapter of the Michigan Occupational Therapy Association provides clinicians with a local connection to the association at large. The chapter hosts local meetings to provide members with current topics relevant to the profession as well as disseminate information from the MiOTA governing structure.

Next meeting

One (1) professional development unit (PDU) will be awarded to active MiOTA members in attendance. The certificate will be emailed to all attendees.

Guests are always welcome to see what MiOTA is about at the local level; however, after one free visit we request that you become a member in order to continue attending the chapter meetings. We hope that you like what you see and want to join. Membership forms will be available at the meeting.

Flint Chapter Contact: Jillian Woodsworth

Jillian Woodworth, DrOT, OTRL is a clinical assistant professor at The University of Michigan-Flint in their Doctor of Occupational Therapy Program. She has specialized in the education and occupational performance of the pediatric population since the beginning of her career in 2005. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts from The University of New York in 2005, she completed her Master of Occupational Therapy at Wayne State University in 2011, and she received her Doctor of Occupational Therapy from Nova Southeastern University in 2016. Her past clinical experiences include working with children/young adults with physical impairments, neurological disorders, and developmental delays at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan in Detroit, Michigan (NICU, PICU, Burn Unit, Oncology, MD Clinic, Inpatient Rehab, and Outpatient Services) and at Burger Baylor Center for Autism in Garden City, Michigan working with children on the autism spectrum and young adults with severe emotional and cognitive impairments. She has specialized in the treatment of children ages 0-5 affected by the Flint Water Crisis through a grant written by the Genesee Intermediate School District and with young children ages 2 to 8 years in the Early Childhood Programs and Services center-based program for Genesee County (working with all ASD, CI, DHH, ECDD, EI, OHI, SXI, SLI, TBI, and VI eligibilities). In her spare time she is on the Board of Directors for the Arc of Mid-Michigan, which empowers individuals with disabilities to participate and be fully included in their community.

2018Flint Chapter Meeting Summary 9/18/18
Flint Chapter Meeting Summary 6/13/18
Flint Chapter meeting Summary 3/13/18
2017Flint Chapter Meeting Summary 9/13/17
Flint Chapter Meeting Summary 5/1/17